Interesting in flipping a house in Calgary?
We are a Realtor/Designer/Contractor Team who can guide you through the entire process!
By attending our seminar, you will learn:
*How to invest in the RIGHT property.
*How to find and compare homes in the RIGHT communities!
*How to design a layout that SELLS
*What buyers are looking for in specific neighborhoods.
*Tips on current design trends
*What improvements will give you the most return for your money.
*How to manage your project efficiently.
*How to build a budget and stay within it!
*How to find and hire the RIGHT contractors!
*How to secure the PROPER financing!
*How to use the right lender or leverage someone else’s money.
And gain access to wholesale prices!

Please take a moment to fill out the following form
and we will be happy to get back to you with
the date and time of our next seminar.
For questions or more information, please call Jayson Shmyrko at CIR Realty. Cell: 403-862-2427 Email: jshmyrko@cirrealty.ca